Various anesthesia options help manage pain and anxiety during dental procedures. Some common types of dental anesthesia include local anesthesia, nitrous oxide (laughing gas), oral sedation, and IV sedation. Fortunately for our patients, these are all options at Bonham Sunshine Dental and Implant Center based on your treatment and individual needs.
Local anesthesia is the most commonly used method of pain control in the dental office today. It is frequently used for fillings, root canals, and extractions. The dentist injects the local anesthesia near the area to be worked on with a syringe. The patient remains conscious during the procedure but is numb in the treatment area. After the procedure, the patient can resume regular activities as quickly as possible.
Nitrous oxide, commonly known as laughing gas, is a mild form of sedation that helps patients relax during dental procedures. It is administered through a mask and wears off quickly after the procedure is completed. Nitrous oxide is helpful in relaxing patients during the procedure, but local anesthesia will still be necessary to ensure that a patient feels no discomfort during the treatment.
Some patients may find their anxiety prevents them from even following through with needed care at the dental office. Conscious sedation is an excellent option for patients who may have significant dental anxiety.
Conscious sedation allows patients to be awake and aware of their environment but very relaxed and calm. This level of sedation also benefits a patient’s ability to receive and respond to local anesthesia – allowing for appropriate pain management.
Before scheduling your treatment appointment with the office, discuss your dental fears and concerns with the dentist. She will prescribe the medication needed to relax you before your appointment. The most commonly prescribed medications for conscious sedation are Valium and Ativan, though your dentist will help you decide based on your medical history.
For patients with higher levels of anxiety or undergoing more complex procedures, intravenous(IV) sedation may be recommended. IV sedation offers a deeper state of relaxation and can even cause temporary memory loss during the procedure. Our certified IV sedation provider, Dr. Kajuri Ramchand, can perform your treatment right in our office in Bonham, Texas, where you will be most comfortable.
IV Sedation is an ideal choice for patients with developmental disabilities and those with debilitating anxiety, especially when extensive procedures are required. Local anesthesia is still needed for pain management during the treatment, but sedation will be delivered before receiving the local anesthesia, making administration much more tolerable for the patient.